01. Meet the Artist

Tiffanie Epitie

Tiffanie Epitie Tiffanie was raised in Navalcarnero, a town in Madrid, with Equatoguinean roots coming from a family of athletes and artists.

She specialized in Business Administration, Master Expert in Autism Detection and Care, Expert in Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, and Emotional Management.

Always passionate about art, the works she created were often for her home, family, and friends.

Until she decided to take the step and expose her works to the world, Tiffanie makes large-scale wall art, beach landscapes, abstracts using resin as the main medium.

Blue mother, married with two beautiful daughters, and you might ask? What is a blue mother?

A blue mother is a mother who one day was diagnosed with Autism for her child, and at that moment, she took her heart by the hand to embark together on a path trying to find a world without barriers with a just but above all human society someday.

With her works, Tiffanie exposes her soul so that the viewer can perceive her best and worst moments because that's what art is based on flowing.

Favorite quote:

“Happiness is the key to success”

02. Art Career

Continuous training hand in hand:

  • Mya Stanbeca, Spain
  • Meenals Corner, NY
  • Emily McSevich, UK
03. My Workshop

Creating my works allows me an emotional release that lets me capture in each of them what I feel, hence my first COLLECTION is called EPIPHANY.


Colaboración Caelumpets.

Medidas: Disponible en 25 cm y 40 cm

Cuadro 100% Personalizado

Medidas: Personalizadas

Nirvana. «Estado supremo de felicidad plena que alcanza el alma»

Measurements: 80cm
Peso: 3

Delivered Works

Some Unfinished Paintings

The First Full Painting I Made

Helpful Clutter


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